Join me as we talk to others with FND in the community as they share their time, their lived experiences and invaluable and priceless insights with FND. Each person brings to the table their own unique truth of what it is to genuinely live with FND. For that I am absolutely humbled, grateful and show great respect to each person that I have talked to. This my FND reality is no different except that it is of the lived experience of a caregiver who is looking after someone they love who has FND. It’s important to hear from another’s point of view of what it is to be a caregiver as they too are living with FND. Thankyou so much Rodney for speaking with us today.
For more information on Carer Gateway
their phone number is 1800 422 737
also join their Facebook page to keep updated and their support groups.
A website all things Functional neurological Disorder written by Professor Jon Stone who is the leading FND researcher and Consultant Neurologist in Edinburgh, Scotland.
FND AUSTRALIA SUPPORT SERVICES INC: A wonderful resource for people in Australia with FND: from reasearch into FND, finding medical specialists and services and just information about FND. Solely dedicated to all things FND and helping those with FND in Australia.
FND Action: FND Action is a patient-led charity who offer a caring and supporting hand to people living with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) in the UK. FND Action provide support to those diagnosed and their caregivers by hosting online support groups, an informative website and actively advocating for the cause.
FND Dimensions aims to develop a network of ‘peer support groups’ across the UK either in face to face meetings or online via methods such as Skype. By bringing people together on a regular basis, this helps alleviate the isolation that many FND patients feel. It also gives opportunity for others to open up dialog and to talk to others in a similar position about the day to day challenges, issues or concerns with one another.