Episodes | The FND Podcast

Hi there my name is Detty and I’m a mum who has fnd or Functional Neurological Disorder. Join me as I delve into the world of fnd , share my lived experience with fnd and share the crazy ups and downs and no holding back of all things with this FND world.
The FND Podcast Is a platform which has the voices of @functionallyjess with the JJ segment following her journey with FND and talking all things FND. We are joined with the beautiful Deb (Debrus) for the Deb and Detty Show where she talks about her 20 plus experience with FND and also coming from a medical field, Rodney who is a support worker and a caregiver with the Caregiver Hangout Segment a @Maggie.Chapman from Maggies Corner who talks about FND Mental Health and FND studying Psychology and bringing resources and awareness to disability and Finally Chucky who also Is from @friendsofFND and imprintmerch with amazing insight and knowledge of FND. With MY FND Reality and the fnd podcast episodes we bring awareness to FNd and support to those with FND. Let’s join become FND warriors and educate to have a better understanding, to get better treatment and hopefully a cure for FND.

If you have FND and would like to talk about your story or would like to contact me to get a message across about FND please email me on FNDMUMDETTY@gmail.com
We are happy to announce that we are FND AUS Podcast series.
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Together lets talk FND.